How to Get a Haskell Job

Over and over again I have seen people ask how to get a full time job programming in Haskell. So I thought I would write a blog post with tips that have worked for me as well as others I know who write Haskell professionally. For the impatient, here's the tl;dr in order from easiest to hardest:

  1. IRC
  2. Local meetups
  3. Regional gatherings/hackathons
  4. Open source contributions
  5. Work where Haskell people work

First, you need to at least start learning Haskell on your own time. You had already started learning how to program before you got your first programming job. The same is true of Haskell programming. You have to show some initiative. I understand that for people with families this can be hard. But you at least need to start. After that, far and away the most important thing is to interact with other Haskell developers so you can learn from them. That point is so important it bears repeating: interacting with experienced Haskell programmers is by far the most important thing to do. Doing this at a job would be the best, but there are other things you can do.

1. IRC. Join the #haskell channel on Freenode. Lurk for awhile and follow some of the conversations. Try to participate in discussions when topics come up that interest you. Don't be afraid to ask what might seem to be stupid questions. In my experience the people in #haskell are massively patient and willing to help anyone who is genuinely trying to learn.

2. Local meetups. Check to see if there is a Haskell meetup in a city near you. I had trouble finding a local meetup when I was first learning Haskell, but there are a lot more of them now. Don't just go to listen to the talks. Talk to people, make friends. See if there's any way you can collaborate with some of the people there.

3. Larger regional Haskell events. Find larger weekend gatherings of Haskell developers and go to them. Here are a few upcoming events that I know of off the top of my head:

The first event like this that I went to was Hac Phi a few years back. Going there majorly upped my game because I got to be around brilliant people, pair program with some of them, and ultimately ended up starting the Snap Web Framework with someone I met there. You might not have a local meetup that you can go to, but you can definitely travel to go to one of these bigger weekend events. I lived a few hours away from Hac Phi, but I know a number of people who travel further to come. If you're really interested in improving your Haskell, it is well worth the time and money. I cannot emphasize this enough.

4. Start contributing to an open source Haskell project. Find a project that interests you and dive in. Don't ask permission, just decide that you're going to learn enough to contribute to this thing no matter what. Join their project-specific IRC channel if they have one and ask questions. Find out how you can contribute. Submit pull requests. This is by far the best way to get feedback on the code that you're writing. I have actually seen multiple people (including some who didn't strike me as unusually talented at first) start Haskell and work their way up to a full-time Haskell job this way. It takes time and dedication, but it works.

5. Try to get a non-haskell job at a place where lots of Haskell people are known to work. Standard Chartered uses is Haskell but is big enough to have non-Haskell jobs that you might be able to fit. S&P Capital IQ doesn't use Haskell but has a significant number of Haskell people who are coding in Scala.


Unknown said…
Great post! Thanks for this topic and the tips you shared. For the past few months I've made it a goal of mine to learn Haskell. The steps I've taken are as follows:

1) Complete all the problems in Haskell. I've been dedicating 1-2 hours each morning before work on this.

2) I've been going through reading "Haskell Book" and practicing by going through the programming exercises.

I have a few questions:

Q1) I think it would be a good idea to have a pet project to work on. There were a couple of ideas I had:

1) Sudoku game solver
2) Machine Learning Algorithm to solve given a sample dataset (Ex. Calculate future population of United States based on historical data using Linear Regression algorithm)
3) Todo list web app

What are your thoughts on these ideas? I want to choose something that is an easy win yet something I will learn from, yet not be too challenging at first.

Q2) I think it is a good idea to niche down in a particular aspect in Haskell. I was thinking of Machine Learning in Haskell. Is that a small enough niche or too broad?

mightybyte said…
Of those three projects, I'd recommend the web app because the other two are much more narrow in scope. The web app isn't necessarily larger or harder, but it will demand that you learn a larger set of things that are closer to what you will typically need to use in real world development.

As far as the niche goes, I can't really say. I'd focus on doing something that motivates you a lot and that also has real world value.

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