
Showing posts from December, 2010

Heist Gets Blaze Syntax

Update : Heist has switched from using hexpat to using xmlhtml as of version 0.5. You can still use blaze syntax as described in this post, but you have to import Text.Blaze.Renderer.XmlHtml instead. Users of Heist, my Haskell templating system, got a very nice surprise for Christmas this year when Jasper Van der Jeugt uploaded a new package blaze-html-hexpat to Hackage. If you're not familiar with Heist, you should probably check out the tutorial before reading further. Heist uses the Haskell XML library hexpat for XML template parsing and internal representation. Users are encouraged to put as much markup as possible into templates and keep Haskell-generated markup to a minimum. However, it is impractical to do this 100% of the time. When the situation arises where you do want to generate bits of markup in code, you have to generate hexpat data structures.  Hexpat does provide some convenience functions for this purpose (see the Tree and NodeClass modules), but most...